TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.143 Queueing Theory (3 cr) L

19.9 klo 16:00 Exercise 1: pdf.
26.9 klo 16:00 Exercise 2: pdf.
3.10 klo 16:00 Exercise 3: pdf.
10.10 klo 16:00 Exercise 4: pdf.
17.10 klo 16:00 Exercise 5: pdf.
24.10 klo 16:00 Exercise 6: pdf.
31.10 klo 16:00 Exercise 7: pdf.
7.11 klo 16:00 Exercise 8: pdf.
14.11 klo 16:00 Exercise 9: pdf.
21.11 klo 16:00 Exercise 10: pdf.
28.11 klo 16:00 Exercise 11: pdf.
5.12 klo 16:00 Exercise 12: pdf.

The students are suppose to solve all the problems and return the solutions before the exercise class, either directly to the assistant or to the course box (G-wing, 2nd floor). The returned answer are evaluated with 0,1,2 scale.

Example answers in pdf-format and ps-format (2up) for printing.

Other material: lecture notes.
Back to course homepage.

In finnish.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 15.12.2002 12:46.
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