TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.143 Queueing Theory (3 cr) L

21.10. klo 17:00 Exercise 1: pdf.
28.10. klo 17:00 Exercise 2: pdf.
4.11 klo 17:00 Exercise 3: pdf.
11.11 klo 17:00 Exercise 4: pdf.
18.11 klo 17:00 Exercise 5: pdf.
25.11 klo 17:00 Exercise 6: pdf.
2.12 klo 17:00 Exercise 7: pdf.
6.11 klo 17:00 Exercise 8: pdf. (extra round, no exercise class)

The students are suppose to solve all the problems and return the solutions before the exercise class, either directly to the assistant or to the course box (G-wing, 2nd floor). The returned answer are evaluated with 0,1,2 scale.

Example answers in pdf-format.

Other material: lecture notes.
Back to course homepage.

In finnish.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 02.12.2004 23:10.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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