TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.158 Special Assignment of Protocol Design (1 cr)

New for spring 2003:

  • 18.6.2003: Grades for the assignments returned during spring 2003 are here.
  • 9.4.2003: The fourth and last meeting is held on monday 28.4.2003 at 12:15 - 14 in lecture room ST1 (Otakaari 7 A). This lecture room ST1 is located in the neighboring building at the rear side of the department of electrical engineering. You should have already received more concrete information of the location through E-mail. In this meeting groups are expected to return their work, or explain the status of the work, which hopefully is almost done.
  • 26.2.2003: Third meeting is held on wednesday 12.3.2003 at 12 - 14 in E220. In this meeting all groups are expected to have done at least part of the exercise work. There should no more be any surprises about the suitability of tools for the chosen exercise topic. If some groups have already finished their work, the final work can be returned during this meeting.
  • 8.1.2003: First meeting is held on wednesday 15.1.2003 at 12 - 14 in E111.
  • 8.1.2003: Second meeting is held on wednesday 22.1.2003 at 12 - 14 in E111.

  • Course Information Spring 2003

    Teachers: Jorma Jormakka, Jarmo Mölsä
    Lectures: 4 meetings during the spring term
                           Meetings are held on wednesdays at 12 - 14 (first two meetings in E111 on 15.1. and 22.1.2003).
    Exercises: No
    Passing the course: Accepted report, evaluated 1-5
    Deadline for the assignment: The assignment report is to be returned by the end of May 2003
    Assignments in groups: Suggested size for the assignment group is 2 - 3 persons
    Requirements: Basically, you should have taken S-38.157 or S-38.151, but if you have not passed them, look at the content of these courses.

    Meetings: There will be four (4) meetings during the spring term 2003:

    Possible content for the assignment:

    Tietoverkkolaboratorio on nyt osa Tietoliikenne- ja tietoverkkotekniikan laitosta. Tällä sivulla oleva tieto voi olla vanhentunutta.

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    Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 16.12.2003 11:28.
    [ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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