TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.149 Postgraduate Course in Teletraffic Theory


Each participant is responsible to hand out 3 homework exercises in the subject on which he gives the presentation. Use the problems found in the textbook by Stern and Bala, or device new ones by yourself. Inform the course assistant Samuli Aalto of the selected problems latest on Friday preceding the presentation. Distribute the problems to the other participants in connection with your presentation. Solve the problems, and present the solutions on next Monday (during the exercises class). Examine the solutions given by the others. Use the following trinary classification:

Inform the course assistant of the results and deliver the solutions (your own and the others') to him latest on next Friday.

In addition, each participant is responsible to solve at least 50% of the homework exercises given by the other participants.

Below you will find the problems in electronic form.

To be solved by 9 October
Tomi Jouhti
To be solved by 16 October
Esa Hyytiä
To be solved by 23 October
Eeva Nyberg
To be solved by 30 October
Kari Seppänen
To be solved by 6 November
Olli-Pekka Hiironen
To be solved by 13 November
Edward Mutafungwa
To be solved by 20 November
Jani Lakkakorpi
To be solved by 27 November
Yang Qiu
To be solved by 4 December
Harald Kaaja
Additional exercises
Kalle Ylä-Jarkko
Lasse Leskelä

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 04.01.2001 11:12.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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